Extended payment deadlines on VAT loans

In a recent update the Government, along with a broad range of supporting political parties, have agreed to extend the payment deadlines for the two VAT loans with payment deadlines on 1st November 2021 and 1st February 2022. Both loans will be extended until 1st April 2022.

Seeing that both loans are payable simultaniously, the second part of the agreement is that it will be possible to enter into a voluntary payment agreement with 24 monthly payments.

If you need any assistance on this, please do not hesitate to contact us.



United Tax Network - Denmark is now Crossbord

The world is changing and so are we.

Our services are not limited to international tax, so we have changed our name to Crossbord, which better reflects all of how we can help you: 

We are your partner in all your global mobility situations where you cross the border in or out of Denmark.